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Technical Expertise

Legal Technical Expertise

Delta Cubo defines Technical Expertise as an activity carried out with the purpose of investigating and clarifying facts, assessing the condition of an asset, determining the causes of a specific event and also estimating the value of assets, fruits or rights.

Our services are based on the Laws and Regulations currently in force, an item of significant value for expert conduct.

A legally qualified, suitable and capable professional to carry out an expert assessment.

Our team has the necessary skills and certifications to perform this role both as an Expert appointed by a competent Judge and as an Auxiliary or Technical Assistant in extrajudicial processes or notifications.

Legal Technical Assistance

Delta Cubo defines a Technical Assistant or Assistant as a legally qualified professional, appointed and hired by the party to the legal process, with the activity of guiding, questioning and assisting them in expert work.

Such activity is carried out with the purpose of investigating and clarifying facts, evaluating the condition of an asset, determining the causes of a specific event and also estimating the value of assets, fruits or rights.

Our services are based on the Laws and Regulations currently in force, an item of significant value for expert conduct.

Our team has the necessary skills and certifications to perform this role both as an Expert appointed by a competent Judge and as an Auxiliary or Technical Assistant in extrajudicial processes or notifications.